Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders

Implementation of Measures for Shareholders and Other Stakeholders

Measures to Vitalize the General Shareholder Meetings and Smooth Exercise of Voting Rights

Supplementary Explanations
Early Notification of General Shareholder Meeting The Notice of the 65th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (held on June 21, 2024) was sent out on June 3, 2024, before the statutory date.
In addition, the Notice was posted on TDnet and the Company’s website on May 29, 2024.
Scheduling Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Avoiding the Peak Day Each year, the Company makes every effort to have as many shareholders as possible attend the meeting by scheduling the meetings on off-peak days.
Allowing Electronic Exercise of Voting Rights Shareholders may exercise their voting rights via the Internet.
Participation in Electronic Voting Platform and Other Initiatives to Enhance the Environment for Exercising Voting Rights for Institutional Investors The Company participates in the electronic voting platform operated by ICJ, Inc.
Providing Convocation Notice (Summary) in English Starting from the 63rd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (held on June 17, 2022), an English language version of the Notice has been created.
It was voluntarily disclosed on TDnet on June 3 and posted on the Company’s website.
Other Starting from the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held in June 2021, the Company used cloud-based services for the virtual general meeting of shareholders and allowed online participation of the General Meeting of Shareholders (viewing of the live streaming), and received questions in advance through the advance question form. In addition, the Company posts the resolutions passed in the General Meeting of Shareholders on the Company’s website.

IR Activities

Supplementary Explanations Explanations by the Representative
Preparation and Publication of Disclosure Policy The Company upholds the “appropriate disclosure of information” as part of its Corporate Code of Conduct. The Company maintains and ensures the continuity of transparent management and appropriately discloses corporate information, not only as a means of complying with laws and regulations, but also as a way to gain the trust of its customers, shareholders, and investors.
With respect to information disclosure, the Company provides timely and appropriate disclosures, in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities (the Timely Disclosure Rules) stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
The Company also aims to actively provide disclosures of additional information that does not fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules in order to meet investors’ needs.
Information disclosures are promptly offered to the press as well as posted on the Company’s website.
For details, see the Company’s website.
(Japanese only)
Regular Investor Briefings for Individual Investors The Company participated in the Bridge Salon* held on June 1, 2024 for the third year in a row. The Company plans to continue to take part in and hold regular IR seminars for individual investors.

*Bridge Salon is an IR seminar for individual investors held by Investment Bridge Co, Ltd.

Videos of briefings and seminars can be viewed on the Company’s website.
(Japanese only)
Regular Investor Briefings for Analysts and Institutional Investors The Company holds briefings on the financial results for institutional investors and analysts twice each year.
These briefings are conducted by the President, and videos of the briefings as well as the presentation materials used are posted on the Company’s website.
Posting of IR Materials on Website

Various IR materials are posted on the Company’s website.

  • Management Policies, such as Corporate Governance, the Corporate Code of Conduct, the status of CSR, and IR Policy
  • Financial information such as status of profit/loss, the status of assets, dividends history, and major indicators history
  • Shareholder reports, financial results, annual securities reports, information on general meetings of shareholders, briefing materials for financial results, and disclosure information including materials related to financial results
  • Stock information, share price information, shareholder return information, IR calendar, electronic notices, and information including various IR links
Establishment of Department and/or Manager in Charge of IR The Corporate Planning Division oversees IR functions.
The Director and General Manager of the Administration Department is the officer in charge of IR, and the General Manager of the Corporate Planning Department is the Chief IR Liaison Officer.

Measures to Ensure Due Respect for Stakeholders

Supplementary Explanations
Stipulation of Internal Rules for Respecting the Position of Stakeholders The Corporate Code of Conduct stipulates the appropriate disclosure of information.
Implementation of Environmental Activities, CSR Activities etc. Based on its recognition of the importance of issues surrounding sustainability, the Company is actively and positively pushing forward initiatives for the realization of a sustainable society.
In December 2021, the Company formulated a Sustainability Policy and has posted the details of its activities on the Company’s website.

Conversing with Stakeholders

ITFOR maintains constant communications with our stakeholders, and reflects their opinions back into our corporate activities.

Stakeholders Main Conversational Methods
Customers All organizations and companies, etc., that use the products and services provided by the ITFOR Group Seminars
User Briefings / Study Workshops
Other Events
Shareholders and Investors All ITFOR Group shareholders, individual investors and institutional investors Shareholders' General Meeting
Financial Results Briefings
Investor Briefings
Separate Seminars for Individual Investors
Issuance of Various Reports
Employees and Employee Families All employees and their families, including those in Group companies Internal Training
Quarterly Interviews
Organizational Diagnostic Surveys
ITFOR Hotline
Regional Society The entire regional societies in which the ITFOR Group and our customers are involved Initiatives for Environmental and Social Contribution Activities
Creation of Regional Social Infrastructures
Recovery Support for Disaster-Affected Areas
Suppliers and Affiliated Companies All business partners who provide their cooperation and services within the ITFOR Group’s business affairs. Daily Procurement Activities
Supplier surveys (questionnaires and visits), etc., implemented
Quality Improvement Briefings
Quality Audits
Purchasing & Procurement Activities
Students All students wishing to work with us to contribute to society through the provision of IT, including those scheduled to join the ITFOR Group and those seeking to work for ITFOR Internships
Company Presentations
Verification Experiments with Universities
Information distributed on our recruitment page